Who is MaríaLaLarga: |
It is not easy to write about me and this kind of history but
I'm going to try.
My name is María Adelaida, I'm 45 years old NoMo (No Mom) from Medellín
- Colombia. I have a degree in Business Management,
and made a successful career out of it for a couple of decades, however it
doesn't turned out to be my passion...
How did I start crocheting?
Since very
early age I've been a lover of stuffed animals, specially teddy
bears and dolls. Being a child, I remember helping my mother with
sewing and needlework, and I tried to learn everything she made.
That was my beginning with crafts.
Many years later, I grabbed a crochet hook and started to make
things. It was amazing. Since then I'm hooked! Crochet isn't a
hobbie for me anymore, it's something that makes me happy...
to the point I often forget about time and run errands.
When some relatives started to purchase crochet stuff from me and request patterns, I
decided to create the brand MariaLaLarga.
So, every doll and object I create is made with my heart and
part of my soul!
¡I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it!
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